RetMap, Inc. is a visual electro-diagnostics
We design and develop next-generation electroretinography (ERG) products for human and veterinary use.

The RM Electrode®
A soft contact lens ERG electrode
Award Winning Design
Modern Engineering
Plug & Play
RM Electrode®
The RM Electrode® is an FDA-cleared, single-use disposable contact lens-type ERG electrode.
Integral Speculum
Holds eyelids open for consistent pupil exposure.
Double Base Curve
Maintains positional stability.
Recessed Electrode
Reduces motion artifact
Our Story
We believe and advocate that early disease detection is the key to fighting irreversible blindness. Progressive, neurodegenerative eye diseases are almost always diagnosed after permanent vision loss.
Our goal is to design and develop products that bolster ERG testing by improving test sensitivity.
Improved test sensitivity
Early detection
Earlier treatment
Less vision loss
The Electroretinogram
ERG plays a vital role in diagnosing neurodegenerative (progressive) eye diseases that cause irreversible blindness.
The electroretinogram (ERG) is the only direct and objective measure of retinal function and health.