Why is ERG not the
go-to test?
After 35 years of status quo in the ERG sensor market, we at RetMap put modern engineering to work, addressing user concerns, and creating -
The RM Electrode™
An award-winning design that incorporates novel features to improve performance
Plug and play compatible with all known ERG testing systems, including hand-held systems.
Soft | Stable | Disposable
ISCEV standard flash ERG responses recorded with the
RM Electrode™
Responses to 5 consecutive flashes, no baseline correction.
Simple installation and removal, and unprecedented in-test stability, address significant barriers to ERG testing.
Highly stable on the eye, RM Electrode signals are very consistent in test-retest scenarios, helping to narrow reference ranges and improve test sensitivity.
Have a decades-old normative data set? No worries – the RM Electrode signal amplitudes are comparable to those obtained with the Burian-Allen ERG Electrode.
(for more information check out the ARVO 2017 poster on the RM Electrode™ here)